(269) 491-0677 pr@jaessmedia.com

My Sand Box

With as many as 650,000 unique visitors and 2.4 million page views year, jAess Media delivers an attractive audience in YOUR market. Two thirds of jAess Media site visitors use the Internet to research products and services. Your ad puts you in front of consumers with the desire and means to buy your products and services.

Flexible Programs

Let us build a customized promotional program to meet your objectives, whether you want to drive people to your website or get them into your store. We’ll tailor a marketing plan to your goals and stay within your budget.

We’re Easy To Do Business With

Want to make a great-looking ad? Our designers will develop the creative. With jAess Media you get efficient and superior service at affordable rates.

jAess Consulting, LLC, Web Design, Vicksburg, MI

Affordable Advertising

Internet advertising is cost effective and rivals the power of traditional media. Target your message to a local market or to a specific audience. jAess Media supports the Internet Advertising Bureau banner ad standard. This standard makes it convenient for advertisers and agencies to create and supply ads.

Our current Internet Publications:

  • Myparkinsons.org
  • Since October 20, 2000, Caregivers from around the world have been learning new information about Parkinson’s disease and caring for Parkinsons patients from this website. The discussion forum, which has been in continuous operation since day one, provides valuable support to those in need — often when no help seems to be available. Since launch, over 28,000 Parkinson’s disease related discussions in all manner of topics that affect improving the quality of life for both patients and their caregivers.

    In 2013, MyParkinsons.org #1 Parkinson’s disease website by Caring.com.

    MyParkinsons.org does not receive federal, state, or local government funding. Nor does it rely on financial assistance from any Parkinson’s organizations or associations or is it underwritten by pharmaceutical or healthcare companies.

    Website Profile


    Parkinson’s disease Caregiver Forum and resources.

    Traffic: 30,500 visitors – 70,000 page views annually.

    Audience: People who are current or future caregivers to patients with Parkinson’s disease.

    Sponsored content ads are available.


  • NewBuffalo.com
  • One of Michigan.org’s featured Beachtowns, New Buffalo is a center of activity with its public beach, lake and riverside parks, boat launch and marinas. The streets are lined with specialty stores and unique eateries. Its lakefront park is a perfect place to watch the sailboats or a sunset or feed wild gulls, geese and ducks who line up daily at the banks to be fed by willing visitors. New Buffalo is home to the Harbor Country Convention and Visitors Bureau, New Buffalo Railroad Museum and a Michigan Welcome Center, the busiest in the state.

    Independent of local government, the Chamber of Commerce and the New Buffalo Business Association, NEWBUFFALO.COM was first published in 1997 as an advocacy for small business in New Buffalo and to promote growth and tourism. Since then, the site has matured into the Web destination of choice for hundreds of thousands of virtual and real visitors a year. NewBuffalo.com is the ‘go to’ source of information for ABC-TV, MSNBC, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, the Dallas Morning News, the State of Michigan and others.

    Website Profile


    Area information and travel guide for New Buffalo, Michigan.

    Traffic: 250,000 visitors – 750,000 page views annually.

    Audience: Tourism

    Online advertising is available as banner ads as well as page sponsorship, starting at $100/year.


  • SouthHaven.com
  • South Haven is one of Michigan’s featured Beach towns. The community defines resorting on Lake Michigan’s eastern shore with majestic vistas and dazzling sunsets. Visiting South Haven, you’ll encounter has a rich maritime heritage at the Michigan Maritime Museum, the town’s 100-year old lighthouse, annual dragon boat races, HarborFest, the Queen’s Cup Yacht Race and more.

    South Haven is a place where you can walk the shoreline, play in and on the water, admire the sunsets, enjoy fabulous dining and shop at unique locals. Experience live theatre, a music camp, a center for the arts, museums and galleries, as well as concerts on the riverfront.

    SouthHaven.com was first launched in 2001, independent of the Chamber of Commerce to promote local business and encourage travel and tourism. It has become the number one online destination those with an interest visiting South Haven Michigan.

    Website Profile


    Area information and travel guide for South Haven, Michigan.

    Traffic: 220,000 visitors – 700,000 page views annually.

    Audience: Tourism

    Online advertising is available as banner ads as well as page sponsorship, starting at $100/year.


  • Woodworking-News.com
  • Woodworking News is an online resource for woodworking beginners, serious hobbyists, and those who wish to advance their craft as a woodworker. Featured are woodworking plans, a directory of woodworking schools, tool reviews, woodworking tips, project ideas, tool guides, frequently asked woodworking questions and two comprehensive product catalogs.

    Woodworking-news.com is indexed in the top 30 Search Engine Results for all three major Search Tools (Google, Bing and Yahoo!) for over 200 woodworking related terms and phrases.

    Website Profile


    Woodworking projects, tips, classes and retail sales.

    Audience: Woodworkers, carpenters, and prospective woodworking students

    Traffic: 175,000 visitors – 316,000 page views annually.

    Online advertising is available through the Google Ad Network which enables advertisers to create and display ads on Google.com and the Google content network, which includes Woodworking-News.com. Advertisers can choose their target audience, set their budget, and see their ad almost instantly.

    Banner ads as well as page sponsorship are available starting at $55/month (3-month minimum).


jAess Media can help you refine and deliver your company’s message online.

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